Enclosures for research into digestion and feeding, designe for research facilities in universities, veterinary clinics, and feed producers... Custom made!

Research into animal feeding requires custom made boxes or cages for each type of experiment and construction. Our experience of more than 25 years building and designing research enclosures and cages for universities and industrial research for animal feeding means that we are well equipped to handle designing a fit to your needs. If you find yourself as a member of a research group whose needs are not addressed by enclosures currently on the market, do not hesitate to contact us. We will study your project and adapt our designs to ensure a precise construction that matches the needs of your animals and your research.
We consider four major factors when designing a research enclosure:-ANIMAL WELLBEING: The most important thing is the wellbeing of the animal. We design and manufacture to meet all requirements in terms of material, m2, and animal well-being regulations requires in each jurisdiction.

-CLEANING/DISINFECTION: It is also very important to design an enclosure with appropriate materials to facilitate cleaning and disinfection within experiments. We design to avoid tricky corners and nooks that are difficult to clean at scientific standards. We always use the most convenient materials such as stainless steel, doing our best to incorporate light, anti rust elements such as PVC and polypropylene. Our designs help ensure a perfect clean that's easy on you, and the animals.

-ANIMAL HANDLING: It is very important to us that the enclosures lead to comfortable management of the animals. We wish to ensure that both the persons and the animals have room to operate comfortably and safely. We strive to make our designs modular and practical so that any customization between experiments for animals of different sizes is easy on the operators.

-PERSONALIZATION: We custom design every enclosure to the szing needed for the veterinarians or professionals conducting each experiment. We will adapt to the needs of your project, making sure we provide value in the personalization of your enclosure.

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