Designs for instruction at veterinary universities: We provide all the material needed to safely teach university veterinary courses with the animals. We have experience designing the elements of teaching spaces for dogs and other animals at a university level.

There is no better way to receive a veterinary education than up close and personal with the animals. We have recently collaborated with the UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA to design an outdoor teaching classroom. We helped design a covered enclosure with a tiered patio for instruction.  KLASKDOG contributed with the design and construction of various teaching elements such as the extremely modular design under the covered enclosure. The modular PVC and grate design allows flexibility in teaching, allowing instructors to easily create spaces ranging from one on one interaction with the animals to a fully open space. Additionally, we provide dog houses for the animals to rest outside of instruction - These homes are made with wheels as well as individual heating units to maximize the comfort of each animal. The comfort and flexibility of our designs helps ensure an optimal teaching experience for both students and animals.

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